Monday, June 29, 2009

Climate of Island

The climate of Iceland’s coast is sub polar oceanic. The warm North Atlantic Current ensures generally higher annual temperatures than in most places of similar latitude in the world. Regions in the world with similar climate include the Aleutian Islands, Alaska Peninsula and Tierra del Fuego although these regions are closer to the equator. Despite its proximity to the Arctic, the island’s coasts remain ice-free through the winter. Ice incursions are rare, the last having occurred on the north coast in 1969.

There are some variations in the climate between different parts of the island. Very generally speaking, the south coast is warmer, wetter and windier than the north. Low-lying inland areas in the north are the most arid. Snowfall in winter is more common in the north than the south. The Central Highlands are the coldest part of the country.

The highest air temperature recorded was 30.5°C (86.9°F) on 22 June, 1939 at Teigarhorn on the southeastern coast. The lowest was 38°C (-38.4°F) on 22 January, 1918 at Grimsstaoir and Moorudalur in the northeastern hinterland. The temperature records for Reykjavik are 26.2°C (79.2°F) on 30 July 2008, and -24.5°C (-12.1°F) on 21 January 1918.