Friday, June 26, 2009

Sardhar Jokes

Sardhar Ji: Why have you increased speed a car?
Laloo: Break has failed. We should reach home before accident.

A funny Account visits a museum with a sardhar Ji.
This painting is 500 years and 20 days old.
Sardhar: Amazing! Where did you get this exact information?
Accountant: I was here 20 days ago. This guide told me that the painting was 500 years old.

Kids Joke
Teacher: Kid, you essay on “My Dog” is exactly the same as your brother’s. Did you copy from him?
Student: No teacher. It’s about the same dog.

School Teacher: What is common between Buddha, Jesus, Mahavir and Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Student: All of them were born on Indian Centre government holidays.

Mayawathi was beautiful college student in her young age.
Once maya comes late to class.

Teacher: Why are you late?
Maya: One boy was following me, teacher
Teacher: So what?
Maya: That boy was walking very slow.